1. Applications
1.1 Applications are to be completed online at burnieshow.com prior to the closing date of 30th August each year.
1.1 Paper applications will not be accepted unless they are accompanied by correct fees plus a $15 administration fee.
1.2 Applications must be completed accurately and correctly at the time of completion
1.3 All applications must be accompanied by current certificate of currency for public liability insurance.
1.4 Applications received after the closing day will inherit a $30 late fee and may not be accepted.
1.5 The committee reserves the right to accept or decline any application without reasoning.
1.6 The committee reserves the right to allocate exhibitors those sites they deem most appropriate.
2.Payment terms
2.1 Payment shall be made via credit card at time of application being lodged if possible.
2.2 All applications received without payment will be given 7 days unless prior arranged to lodge payment via cash, cheque or EFT to our offices, if this does not occur exhibitor may have to start application process again.
3.1 No refunds will be given on any exhibitor cancellation unless under extraordinary circumstances decided upon by our committee.
4.Cancellation of Burnie show
4.1 The committee reserves the rights to cancel the event under extra ordinary circumstances.
4.2 All exhibitors will be notified by phone or email as soon as applicable.
4.3 No refunds will be given if the event is cancelled or postponed.
4.4 The committee will not be liable for any losses inherited by the cancelation of the event.
5.1 Exhibitors are not to take possession of their site until the Monday prior to the event unless prior arrangement is made with our committee.
5.2 The site is to be completely vacated by 5.00PM on the Monday after the event unless prior arrangement is made with our committee.
5.3 The committee reserves to right to remove any material or item which in their opinion may cause offence to the public or event officials.
5.5 No exhibitor shall allow their exhibit to extend outside their designated area.
5.4 The committee reserves the right to restrict the use of equipment which produces excess noise or could cause annoyance to any other exhibitors.
5.6 No exhibitor shall place signage or advertising material outside their designated area unless prior arrangement is made with our committee.
5.7 No exhibitor shall erect fencing or signs which may be an inconvenience to other exhibitors.
5.8 The committee reserves the right to require an exhibitor to remove a particular product or service from their site if they are not satisfied it is safe and or appropriately themed.
5.9 The distribution of advertising materials and pamphlets shall only occur within the exhibitor’s site.
5.10 The committee does not store any items or equipment for exhibitors unless prior arrangement is made with the committee.
5.11 All product demonstrations must be conducted in a safe manner in accordance with current health and safety legislation. Hazards shall be identified on a risk assessment.
5.12 Exhibitors who engage our committee for onsite loading and lifting do so at their own risk. We take no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by this service.
5.13 Exhibitors who require water must order at time of application; late orders will inherit a $30 late fee and may not be accepted.
5.14 Exhibitors requiring power must order at time of application; late orders will inherit a $30 late fee and may not be accepted.
6 Site Sharing
6.1 No exhibitor shall sell, share or part with the possession of any part of their site.
6.2 Any exhibitor found to be site sharing will inherit a $100 fine plus all applicable site fees.
7 Early Pack Up
7.1 Exhibitors are expected to trade for the entire event, times and dates listed above.
7.2 Any exhibitor that does not trade for the entire duration of the event without prior permission will inherit a $100 fine.
8 Conduct
8.1 All exhibitors and their staff are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and respectful manner towards all persons on site.
9 Insurance
9.1 All exhibitors must carry valid certificate of currency see clause 1.3.
9.2 If certificate of currency is not attached exhibitors will inherit a $15 administration fee to ensure appropriate forms are provided.
10 Security
10.1 The committee shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever to the exhibitor’s property or hired equipment.
10.2 Although we provide security prior, during and after the event we will not be liable for any loss or damage of the exhibitor’s property while it is at our site.
10.2 The committee encourage all exhibitors to arrange their own insurance, covering all assets and stock whilst at our site
11 Underground asset protection
11.1 Prior to any ground work commencing exhibitors and or their staff notify the committee to ensure no underground assets will be damaged.
11.2 If exhibitors conduct ground work without permission they will inherit a $100 fine.
11.3 If underground assets are damaged by unauthorised ground works, the exhibitor shall pay repair costs.
12 Food and Beverages
12.1 All exhibitors who shall be distributing food and beverages both paid and samples are required to attach appropriate food and liquor licences to this application
12.2 If appropriate licences are not attached exhibitors will inherit a $15 administration fee to ensure appropriate licences are provided.
12.3 Espresso and or any other coffee drinks must only be sold by exhibitors who have applied as coffee vendors, all other exhibitors wishing to sell coffee drinks must apply in writing within 7 days of submitting this application for approval by the committee.
12.4 No exhibitors other than those who have applied to sell food and beverages shall do so.
13 Vehicles
13.1 No vehicles other than those nominated as display vehicles are permitted on site during opening hours, these vehicles are to remain stationary during opening times.
13.2 Only vehicles transporting passengers with valid access passes will be permitted on site.
13.3 All vehicles other than those on display are to be removed from the site by 8.45AM and not permitted back on site till 5.00PM on the days of the event.
13.4 Vehicle movements on site are strictly prohibited between 8.45AM and 5.00PM on the days of the event.
13.5 Any vehicles on site after 8.45AM may be towed and the exhibitor will inherit a $100 fine.
13.6 Any vehicles caught moving on site during restricted times without permission will inherit a $100 fine.
13.7 The speed limit is 10km/h on site, any exhibitor caught speeding will inherit a $100 fine.
13.8 Unless required for mobility access, the use of golf carts, bicycles both motor and push, skateboards and side by sides are strictly prohibited on site.
13.9 The use or drones or UADs is strictly prohibited unless prior permission is granted by the committee.
14 Animals
14.1 All exhibitors must comply with the animal welfare guidelines to ensure all animals and livestock are treated in accordance with good animal welfare practices.
14.2 All exhibitors must complete appropriate health declarations.
14.3 Horse owners must comply to Equestrian Australia rules whilst at our event.
14.3 Exhibitors shall notify our committee in the event of any livestock injury or death.
14.4 If an animal is deemed unfit, injured or has poor temperament, by our committee it must be removed immediately.
14.5 Should an animal death occur; the owner is responsible for removing the carcass from the site.
14.6 Should any animal require any medical assistance in transport or during the event, the exhibitor will pay all related costs.
14.7 Only assistance and competing animals are permitted on site during the event.
14.7 All assistance and competing animals they must be fully vaccinated and have been microchipped (cats and dogs).
14.8 The sale of livestock during the event is strictly prohibited.
15 Clean up
15.1 All exhibitors must remove all items and stock from their site prior to 5.00PM on the Monday after the event. See clause 5.2
15.2 Exhibitors who leave items and stock on there site after 5.00PM on the Monday after the event will inherit a $100 clean up fee.
16 Site access
16.1 Site access will only be granted if valid access passes are scanned
16.2 The sale of exhibitor access passes is strictly prohibited.
16.3 No refunds will be given on the purchase of access passes
17 Amendments
The committee reserves the right to amend any of the above-mentioned terms and conditions to the fullest extent determined by the law.