2024 Burnie Show & Agri-Expo Induction Document

1. Background of the Society 

The Burnie Agricultural and Pastoral Society (BAPS) began in 1913.

 The Burnie Show has a proud history and will be hosting the 103rd annual show in our 111th year as a society in 2024.

 The number of patrons at our 2019,22 & 23 show was over 20,000. 

The size of the Wivenhoe Showground,the train line through the middle of it, horses not allowed on the arena and many other logistic reasons the Society in 2016 purchased a parcel of land at 329 Ridgley Highway Romaine, now called Agriplex, we are excited to be holding our fourth show there this year where we can all be together on the one ground.

The Burnie Agricultural & Pastoral Society is striving for excellence in providing a platform for breeders,owners and makers to showcase themselves, their livestock and their products to potential customers and the general public.The competitions alone draws exhibitors from all over Tasmania with numbers growing each year.

2. Purpose of Induction 

This document outlines the location of safety equipment, the emergency points of contact, and the expectations of all Burnie Show & Agri-Expo volunteers, Contractors,stallholders and exhibitors, to ensure the safety and comfort of all people on-site during the event and its set- up/down. Volunteers, contractors,stallholders and exhibitors are to sign this document, declaring they have read and understood these expectations.We are adopting a no-risk approach, by educating and enforcing the legal requirements under Tasmanian law. It is imperative that we all abide by the expectations outlined in this document to ensure the continuation of The Burnie Show & Agri-Expo.For further information on any of RWC’s safety requirements, please refer to the Site Safety Policy and SafeWork Management Plan.

Points of Contact: 


 Jodi Gardam President 0438312541

Kyle Barker Event Operations 0498994417


St Johns Ambulance on site during two days of the show.First Aid kit available at craft pavillion


Electrician TBC (Contractor)

Security MSS (Contractor)

Cleaner Dallie Monson (Contractor)

Traffic Management Hardings (Contractor)

3. AllStallholders and Exhibitors except Horses/ horse exhibitors


▪ Prior to Show Days ~ Visit the Site office to complete induction paperwork if not already sent in,

High Vis MUST be worn at all times you are present on site prior to the opening of the event

▪Show Days Enter the site at (gate 2) on Ridgley Highway, park in car park prior to 8;45AM.

▪Opening hours Exhibitors and contractorsare expected to be onsite by 9am and ready for trade/showing/duties.

▪ Signing on/off the Attendance Log is required for insurance purposes for all persons entering/leaving thesite. BAPS holds both Public Liability and Volunteers Insurance. Attendance Logs are kept at the Site Office.

▪ If asked to leave the site by the Show Manager or and Director, the person shall do so immediately. This person may return to site after public entry hours to discuss their options with the committee members involved. Either party may request an additional committee member to be present during this discussion. Failure to comply may result in police action.

4.2 EMERGENCY EVACUATION ASSEMBLY AREAS:The emergency evacuation assembly areas are located at the two ticket sale points - or as per site map, please familiarize yourself with these plans as appropriate.

4.3 FIRE:▪Ring 000 in case of fire and inform the Security MSS that a fire truck is on its way.

All entry gates have two way radios available.

▪ Fire Extinguishers are available in each marquee/building

▪No Fire Lighting is permitted on the ground whatsoever during opening hours

4.4 FIRST AID:▪Ring 000 (if required) and inform the Security MSSthat an ambulance is on its way.

All entry gates have two-way radios available.

▪First Aid Kits available at craft pavillion

▪Defribrillator site office and St Johns

▪ First Aid Station St Johns Ambulance will be on-site both days.

4.5 RISK ASSESSMENTS:A risk assessment. All stallholders and exhibitors have the right to develop their own risk assessments.BAPS has completed basic risk assessments for site. Each Exhibitor is to go to site office and sign riskassessment Hazard Identification: Risk assessments are to be updated when additional risks are identified. Please bealert to potential hazards and report them immediately to a BAPS executive.

4.6 REPORTING INCIDENTS AND NEAR MISSES:All incidents and near misses are to be reported immediately to a BAPS Executive and are to be recorded in the Register which is kept in site office

4.8 GENERAL SAFETY:All volunteers, stallholders and exhibitors are to act in a safe manner as they have a duty of care to the public, BAPS coordinators, each other and themselves. They have a shared responsibility to ensure the site is free of trip hazards and overhead hazards.

▪ Safety concerns are to be raised directly to a BAPS co-ordinator. This includes concerns that another person on site may not operating in a safe manner.

▪ Stalls are to be free of pollutants, offensive smells and excessive noise.

▪ Fuels and hazardous materials are to be properly stored in appropriate storage compartments.All volunteers, stallholders and exhibitors have a responsibility to check the stall or exhibit they areworking on every morning to ensure all parts are operational and safe before commencing operation.

4.9 SMOKING:The site and event are registered as smoke-free. Smoking is therefore not permitted anywhere, at any time,on site.

4.10 ALCOHOL AND ILLICIT SUBSTANCES:▪During public entry hours, no volunteers, exhibitors or stall-holders are to be under the influence ofalcohol or illicit substances, the limit is 0.00;

▪After public entry hours, no manual work, driving of machinery or operating exhibits is to be undertakenby any person whilst they are under the influence of alcohol or illicit substances;

▪ Permitted areas designated area after public entry hours

.▪No person under 18 is permitted to consume or have in their possession any alcohol or illicit substance

4.11 OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOUR:All persons are to behave honestly with integrity, treat everyone with courtesy and respect, and obey allAustralian and Tasmanian laws and follow any directions of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society Board or its delegates

4.12 NOISE RESTRICTIONS:▪During the event, all stalls are to limit excessive noise.

▪Outside of public entry hours, as per Tasmanian legislation on noise restrictions, noise is not permittedafter 11:00pm on Friday and Saturday nights, and 10:00pm on Sunday night.

4.13 TASK COMPETENCY:Persons must only undertake tasks if competent and physically capable to do so. Please ask for training or ‘speak-up’ if you are not competent or physically capable of undertaking a task assigned to you.


▪Operation of tools, machinery and exhibit/stall equipment must only be undertaken by a qualified person,or under supervision of a qualified person.

▪Qualified persons are those trained and licenced to operate the tools, machinery or exhibit/stallequipment, with all relevant documentation available upon request by a BAPS co-ordinator. BAPS reservesthe right to keep a copy of any documentation presented.

4.15 MANUAL LIFTING:Care is to be used when performing a manual lift. A person should not lift anything heavier than they arecomfortable with, and anything over 20 kgs is to be lifted by two people.

4.16 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT:All persons shall wear suitable clothing for the areas in which they are working, which is dependent on thetype of stall, exhibit or volunteering they are undertaking. BAPS advises those working outdoors to wear ahat and sunscreen. Sunscreen is available at the site office.PPE, including safety glasses, ear muffs, dust masks and gloves are recommended for all jobs where eye/skin/throat irritation or injury to the person is possible.

4.17 VEHICLES:The AGRIPLEX has a 20km/h speed limit. Road rules apply and all vehicles travelling on site must use their rotating warning lights if fitted. Stallholders needing to travel on site during the event must obtain an escort from the site office. It is discouraged that any vehicles operate during operating hours Cars are to be kept off the grounds where possible during pubic entry hours. Parking is available in the car parking area at gate 1 off Cascade road.

POWER:All power leads must have current test tags and cords may be inspected.

4.19 WATER:

▪Drinking Water will be available at tank marked POTABLE WATER


▪ Two way radios are used during the show. No private chatting or offensive language is to be used;

▪ Personal mobile phones can be used by volunteers, exhibitors and stall-holders to communicate withthe point of contact required.


All stall-holders and exhibitors that hold a public liability policy are to include this with their Show application

▪All Food Vans are required to have Council Registration and Public Liability. Which also must be sent in with application


All stalls and exhibitors are to take reasonable care to limit pollutants.

4. Volunteer Specific Information The Burnie Show is the last 2 day show held on the North West Coast of Tasmania Volunteering is essential to the successful operation of the event and in turn the community. Participating in the event is a way of having fun, meeting new people and possibly learning new skills. Did you know that Tasmaniahas the highest percentage of volunteers of any Australian State?


Jodi Gardam 0438312541

Kyle Barker 0498994417


Visit Site Office at 329 Ridgley Highway Romaine

Complete registration form and safety/behaviour induction


Volunteers are to sign on/off every shift, to enable logging of hours;

Volunteers will be issued a high-vis vest for their shift depending on the assigned work area. The vest should be worn at all times throughout the shift and then returned to the Volunteers Office when signing-off;

Volunteers will be shown what is required to be done by them during their shift. Never accept a task that you are not capable/competent to complete, and please ask for help if required.

5.4 BENEFITS BAPS values it’s Volunteers as without them, The Burnie Show could not take place. As a thank you, BAPS offers the following benefits to Volunteers throughout the event:

Free entry to the Burnie Show.

▪Food and refreshments from Teresa Country Cooking.

Invitation to the Networking Event Friday night

Camping sites available.

All campers must report to the site office 329 Ridgley Highway Romaine toensure camping in the correct location. This must be done prior to Friday

▪ Shower facilities available on site.

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